Sunday, May 25, 2008

I finally did it

Wow. Blogging is my new favorite. I have seen and admired several blogger sites and initially wondered, who would want for the world to peek into their own private worlds? But I think I get it now. I think that we all want to connect with one another. For me, I want to write. This is the overriding need of mine. I want to create something so I know that I mean something, and that I can leave even just a speck of a mark into this virtual universe of ours. In many ways, that feeling is a liberating one. On some levels, it is a responsible undertaking. But my mission is small--just to have my own little corner, to ponder thoughts, look into varied points of reality, make art.

I love that last part very much.


Geri said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging... Nice to see you here!!!!

OGD Critic said...

Congrats! You did it.

If you want to see where your hits are coming from add feedjit to your blog -